Neuralign S™

How it Works


The Neuralign S is a therapeutic Motion Activated Stimulation™ (MAS) device that employs advanced sensor technology coupled with neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) to aid patients in recalibrating complex muscular movements in order to restore optimal joint motion and function.

The Neuralign S is a wearable NMES device designed for the treatment of shoulder pathologies. What makes it different from other types of stimulation devices is its ability to dynamically interact with the patient during active rehabilitation. Utilizing advanced sensor technology, the device is able to detect a patient’s movement during therapeutic exercises and respond by progressively stimulating targeted muscles. The device provides sensory, auditory and visual biofeedback to the patient to help reestablish physiological muscle activation through a “feed-forward” mechanism.


Who It Helps

Neuralign S can be used as a treatment for a variety of conditions resulting in diminished or altered movement of the shoulder. Whether a patient is pre-habbing before a surgical procedure, undergoing physical therapy following a surgery, addressing a long-standing shoulder pathology, or is an athlete seeking to restore optimal joint kinematics, Neuralign S is a solution to aid in achieving those goals.

How It’s Different

Traditional NMES devices are programmed to operate with predefined intervals and frequency. The speed and timing of a user’s motion is dictated by the preset program. That seemed backwards to us, so we built something better.

The Neuralign’s embedded MAS technology senses and responds to patient movement, automatically adjusting stimulation intensity and rhythms applied through the electrodes. This unique, patented feature allows the patient to dynamically interact with the device in order to restore normal muscle activation patterns for each movement.

In addition to the MAS technology, the Neuralign S provides a patient with biofeedback throughout each treatment session using auditory, visual and sensory cues to guide the patient through completion of each exercise repetition.


A companion app to guide your progress

Neuralign S is controlled through an app on a tablet wirelessly connected to the device. The app provides specific instructions for each exercise, the number of required repetitions, and the proper electrode positioning that the patient should follow during their rehabilitation using the device. The app contains multiple therapeutic protocols designed for different shoulder pathologies. In addition, the app allows for exercise programs to be customized or manually adjusted by a healthcare professional.

While Neuralign S is in use, the app counts the number of repetitions for each exercise in a program, tracks the patient’s progress and provides real-time visualization of the exercise for the patient and the therapist to follow.

Innovation, Integrity, and Impact

What more could you ask for?

Precision Rehab is built on a foundation of innovation, integrity, and a deep-seated desire to make a meaningful impact. As we pioneer new technologies and solutions, we remain true to our core values, ensuring that our offerings align with the highest standards of quality, reliability, and effectiveness.

Join us on our journey as we continue to push the boundaries of what is possible in rehabilitation. Precision Rehab is not just a company; it’s a catalyst for positive change in the lives of individuals seeking to regain control and vitality on their road to recovery.